Our main activity is expertise in E-reputation.E-reputation is the sum of what is being said about you on the Internet and what you have published.
Professionals are concerned!
Well mastered, a good E-reputation is a source of a favourable and caring image and often, for professional activities, of profits. And when the E-reputation is left to chance from the publications of “others”, the risk of seeing it crumbling is very high. And then, the results are obvious: decrease of the market shares, lower turnover and sometimes more… The issue is the well-being of the company and the maintenance of employment.
Individuals at risk
For individuals, the stakes are sometimes financial, but often psychological, because the destruction of a person by his or her E-reputation on the web is not uncommon… And, considering the development of the use of the web (via smartphone) by children, the effects can be devastating and cause some diseases, depression or suicides. Is that what we want? No, a thousand times no!