Private Banks and family office

Building customer loyalty and development
with an extra web protection service!

The daily life of asset managers, whether a private bank or a family office, is directly linked to the satisfaction of those who delegate their very precious assets, their stock portfolios, their money, their shares, etc.
It is a relationship that requires constant personal investment, ingenuity, precision and excessively advanced interpersonal skills…

Finding new clients, retaining those who are already in the firm, doing its work well and knowing how to value it in order to have a good reputation are essential, which could quickly collapse in the event of a relational “bug”.
These institutions must therefore ensure their image on the net, that of their employees and their publications outside the workplace.

Being accompanied by a virtual “bodyguard” should not be a dressing, but a real prevention, like homeopathy… The stakes are so high in case of disruption that the question should not even arise. “If we are to be visible on the web, let’s be careful.”
VIP ONLY, with its State of the Art techniques and expert collaborators in the high-level service, are the discreet, attentive and efficient partners best suited to take on this task.